Thank You! - Yorktown Family Services

Thank You!

Thank you for your support!

Your donation made via CanadaHelps will generate your Charitable Tax Receipt instantly from CanadaHelps to the email address you provided. When making a donation directly through Yorktown, your Charitable Tax Receipt will be prepared within 30 days and either sent to you via the email provided, or your postal address provided.

For Virtual Tribute Gala

If you made a Virtual Table/Ticket purchase via PayPal, you will receive an email confirmation of your payment from PayPal. You will also receive a charitable tax receipt for the allowable portion directly from Yorktown Family Services via email as soon as possible.

If you made a Donation via CanadaHelps, we will confirm the details with you. You will receive a charitable receipt from CanadaHelps directly via email.

All Sponsorships, Donations and Table/Ticket requests made directly to Yorktown will be confirmed by email. Please check your inbox for the confirmation email.

Please note that only a portion of the Table/Ticket price is eligible for a Charitable Tax Receipt.

Your email address will be added to our database to receive future notices about this event and other news related to Yorktown Family Services. Each mailing provides you the opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.
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